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Find here useful tips and recommendations on how to prepare for your course, in order to make the most out of it
and to make the full use of ADOIT Academy and the complementary resources coming with it.

  • Preparation for the course can take a while, especially if this is your first time doing it. Make sure you spend enough time getting familiar and comfortable with ADOIT, before providing access to your students.

  • If you need a helping hand in better understanding the tool’s capacities and functionalities, do not hesitate to reach out to your contact person and schedule a free, personal web demo, with one of our experts.

  • Once you start exploring the ADOIT Academy Edition, be sure to also go through all of our Academic content – supplementary lecture notes, resources and exercises, before the beginning of your course.

  • See how the offered material fits with the purpose of your course, and tailor it according to your course’s needs.

  • There is no need to cover the entire material of the Academic content. Feel free to skip the material parts or exercises which do not match with your course’s path.

  • Make sure to go through and have a look at our tutorial library. Our short and comprehensive video tutorials with different levels of difficulty will help you get acquainted with ADOIT faster and make sure that you are well prepared for your courses. Discover what the tutorial library has in store for you!

  • In your preparation for the course, it might be helpful to also check out some additional BOC Group content, for example our free, online webinar library.

  • In case you have any additional questions, need additional resources or assistance, you can always reach out to your contact person and ask for help!


Both the lecturers and all students have access to the same database. The structure of the database is organized in the following manner:

Lecturers have access to two separate areas or folder groups, one private and the other one public. The private area is limited in terms of access and cannot be seen by the other participants, whereas the public area is more flexible and can be used for sharing content between the lecturers and the students (e.g. useful for examples, assignments etc.).

Students on the other hand, only have one area – consisting of their own separate folders, for each student individually, which cannot be seen by the other participants (e.g. useful for taking exams etc.).

In addition to areas mentioned above, a collaboration area is also available, in which all students and professors can work together. In this area, the participants can also freely define subfolder structures.

Unfortunately, for the most part you cannot configure these yourself. Access rights are automatically preconfigured, prior to providing your ADOIT Academy Edition account.

The ADOIT repository is designed in a way where its repository is structured in two sections, models and objects. Each of those two sections have separate access rights for students and lecturers. For a detailed overview into the access rights of lecturers and students please refer to the table below:

Lecturer 1
Lecturer n
Student 1
Student n
Sample content

Firstly, we recommend starting off by preparing for your course, and doing all the necessary work prior to it in your private lecturer path. Later on, you can decide if and which portions of your work you want to transfer and share with your class in your public folder, so that students can also use and work with the material.

Our recommendation would be to move your work from the private folder to the public one, so that students can access it and read it.

Yes, once you place your work in the public lecturer space, the students can then copy it and save it in their own folders, for later use (useful in the case of assignments and exams).

Students can move their work from their private folders to the collaboration folder group, where everyone can see, add, edit and contribute to the content found in that space.


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